Click image for complete gallery. Photo: Steve Sergent

 The Cadillac Three spiced up Detroit’s St. Andrews Hall on Valentines Day.  Touring in support of their fourth record “Country Fuzz” they played a powerful 23 song set.
The show started with three straight songs off of the new record, Cracking’ Cold Ones With The Boys, Blue El Camino, and Slow Rollin. You would not have known they were new songs thanks to an amazing hardcore fan base that already knew every lyric like they were classics. 
The set mixed in songs from all four albums but featured a whopping TEN from the new record which features 16 tracks.  Frontman Jaren Johnston made a point to mention that during the show, challenging country artists to release records with more than nine songs.  He also promised more music coming by the end of the year. 

Click photo for complete gallery. Photo: Steve Sergent

The feel good song Hard Out Here For A Country Boy features Country Music Staples Travis Tritt and Chris Janson on the record and is definitely a fan favorite already. It may be a song written about the country boy but it’s relatable to everyone.  Whether you are that southern country boy or a midwestern blue-collar man, the band will connect with you.  
For the end of the set the band featured the classic closing combo, White Lightning and their anthem The South.White Lightning is popularly known amongst TC3 fans as a song Johnston wrote about how fast he fell for his wife. Fans were seen slow dancing and singing every word in what was the perfect setting for a TC3 Valentine’s Day.
“County Fuzz” is available now on all platforms.  It is a powerhouse guitar heavy story telling record with all the top notch southern influenced lyrics that you’d expect from the trio. The record is one you’ll put on repeat and something different will stick out to you each time through. The show is one you’ll “feel”, energetic yet intimate.  The band, well they’re the type of guys that will have a beer with you in the bar after, it simply doesn’t get much better.  The band heads to Europe soon but will be back in the States pretty quickly.  Get out and see them!

Click photo for complete gallery. Photo: Steve Sergent