Photos courtesy of Keenan Beals/Michigan Made Photography

Where do I begin with this one? It’s not only the first concert review for me in 2020, it’s also the first concert review since my divorce was finalized on January 6th. Believe it or not, it all matters when everything comes together. I wasn’t sure if I’d be in the right place mentally or if I would even really enjoy the show and the experience. Luckily, I did, and it had so much to do with not only the people that I ran into over the course of the few hours I was there at the venue, but also because it was Danny Worsnop just being Danny both on and off stage. 

I had a full day of work on the day of the show and a long drive out to Pontiac but I still managed to arrive at the venue at 8:30. Unfortunately, I had just missed the opening act [Starbenders] but I was just happy to get there without incident and in time to catch the whole set from Danny. Per usual, I spent a few minutes talking to some people about the opening act and heard some great things. If you’re into alternative music with some old school pop and a little touch of The Cure you’ll dig it. I did check them out and I have to admit, I was definitely feeling it. I wish I would have caught their set. Being that it was a band that Danny brought from the UK, it was cool to see so many in attendance going to talk to them after their set and seeing them truly enjoying the attention from the local music lovers. That’s always a good thing when it comes to music, regardless of anyone’s popularity, location of the show or where the band originates from. They played a good set and spent time talking to fans. It’s refreshing to see bands that “get it” and appreciate a responsive crowd. Just perfect!

Photos courtesy of Keenan Beals/Michigan Made Photography

A little break between sets and a little more time spent walking around talking to people and it was time to see what Danny Worsnop had to do and say tonight. Such a varied mix of people at the show. Rockers, metal heads, alternative and college kids, country fans and more. People who loved both Danny and Asking Alexandria and people who only knew of one or the other. Personally, it kind of shocked me that people had never heard of Asking Alexandria, but I don’t judge. It was nice to see that so many people searched out music and didn’t care about the influence of mainstream radio or media. That gives me hope for the Detroit music scene. Danny and his guitar player, who was amazing by the way, were so much fun to watch and experience. I feel bad for not remembering the name of his accomplice for the night (maybe Chris?), but I’ve got to give him a shout out regardless. He was not only a great fit musically but the two of them had such amazing chemistry. I Don’t think he could have picked a better sidekick for this type of acoustic tour. Danny doing his own thing is so different from Asking Alexandria yet nothing too unexpected or anything that came as a shock. So much passion and feels in everything he does. From blues vibes, to soft rock to even some country tones, the right kind of country of course. He went through some solo stuff, a few covers and even an Asking Alexandria song to close out the night. As much as I was really hoping for either ‘Alone In A Room’ or ‘Vultures’, mostly because those two songs have meant a lot to me this last year or year and a half, I was totally fine with him ending the night with ‘Moving On’. So much humor from him on that night, cracking jokes, poking fun at the audience, at the exact perfect times. Especially when he was doing his last song, the only Asking Alexandria song of the night. He started out and was waiting for the crowd to do what they would normally do when he played that song, and the crowd didn’t do the big sing back that he was used to. He brought it up and was instantly met with a “We came to hear you sing” type of razz. Danny laughed hard and ended up agreeing that “I guess you’ve got a point with that, but fuck off”. So fitting and so harmless at that moment, yet so Danny. At the end of the night I got to catch up with him for a quick hello and how have you been, a picture together because that’s what I like to do.

Photos courtesy of Keenan Beals/Michigan Made Photography

All in all, I could not have been happier with my decision to make it out to this show, no matter how much of a cluster the day was for me. I met a few new people, ran into some very loyal Danny Worsnop fans, and ended up having a really good time. Especially for a Thursday night in Pontiac, MI. Thanks to the Pike Room staff, the people that I got to meet throughout the evening and especially to Danny. Keep being you, bro. You’ve got this and most of all, you actually get it. Every single aspect of it! 
