On 12.14.2019 I was able to experience the unthinkable.  Legendary Ace Frehley Playing at the Token Lounge in Westland.   With a crowd capacity of about 400, to say the show was intimate is an understatement.  I thought we had arrived early enough to get right up front but the fans were a little more anxious than anticipated.  Upon arrival, we found a line wrapping around the building. Dedicated fans enduring the December chill waiting for those doors to open.  The patrons went from a cold and windy line outside to a steamy and PACKED Token Lounge. The place was a complete sell out and maybe a little beyond.  

Ace’s set was a even keeled mix of KISS and Ace’s hits.  The set list included [naturally] Detroit Rock City. The energy coming from the crowd was intense with the fans shouting along with the song.   Afterall, you gotta lose your mind in Detroit… Rock City!!!! Other notable hits played were Love Gun, Deuce, Rocket Ride, and Rock Soldiers.

Ace brought everyone back to the 70s power metal that drove the era.   You could look in any direction of the crowd and find people from all walks of life and from every age group.   Ace’s music powers through generation after generation.

The band was strong.  The audio was spot on.  People genuinely had a great time.   As for me, I was awe struck. My family is filled with Ace fans and the good taste in music has been genetically passed down to me.   As a rookie on the scene to concert coverage, I was thrown into the fire for this one. To get up close and personal with a legend like Ace was a privilege and an honor that I wont soon forget.  I cant think of any better way to close out 2019. I already look forward to Ace’s return to metro Detroit.

Ace is traveling the US throughout January and you can check out the date and locations at his web site:   http://acefrehley.com/tour_dates/