Dylan Scott is a Country music artist that has recently had some great success with his first #1 single, “My Girl.” I had a chance to talk to him about his plans for 2018 as he and his wife just recently had an addition to their family.  He is currently on tour with Justin Moore’s HELL ON A HIGHWAY TOUR and doing some of his own headlining shows.

With such a busy schedule and a new baby, I asked Dylan how does he manage to fit everything in and he said, “Well, I got a great wife who is great at what she does, but the older he gets, the harder it is leaving the house. He’s three months now and his personality has kicked in, which is like, ‘Oh, man, this is awesome.’ We just look forward to getting down the road and hopefully getting him out here on the road with us more. But being a dad is awesome, it’s one of the greatest things to ever happen to me!”

Dylan will be performing at the Tortuga Music Festival again and I asked him what he’s looking forward to and he responded, “It’s such a cool event. I hope it’s just a lot of what it was last time, just a lot of people singing the music back to us and having a good time. We have a later playing spot this time, which is really cool. So I’m looking forward to being on the beach, being with people, dancing, smiling, and singing back to us, having a good time. It’s just a really cool festival.”

Dylan tells me some of his musical influences are Keith Whitley, Tim McGraw and George Strait. He says, “I was listening to everything across the spectrum, everything from those guys to Lil Wayne, Maroon 5 and Kings of Leon. I listen to everything, and it kind of inspired my writing and who I am as an artist. Even though I listen to everything, country music was my passion, that’s what I wanted to do, so I never looked back.” His wife is what influences Dylan to write. He said, “I didn’t move to Nashville to become a songwriter, I moved to be a performer, and when I got there, is when I started wanting to write music. So she inspires my writing, I got a lot of love songs about her, but now that I’m a dad, the daddy songs will start coming out, which will be really cool as well.” “My Girl” has been a huge hit for Dylan and it’s a very personal song for him. He said, “It’s about Blair, my wife. We were 19 years old riding down the road and Eminem came on the radio and she started rapping it word for word and dancing. That’s what inspired the whole song. I just call it my mushy, gushy love story between my girlfriend and I, who is now my wife. Luckily, people related to it, which is great!”

Dylan said, “I was surprised it went to number one. That’s the goal, is to have a number one song. I wanted a number one song, so I got it. It was like a breath of fresh air, but it did surprise me a little bit, because I didn’t know if people wanted to hear my love story or not. I soon realized that everybody has a love story and a lot of guys related to it, and a lot of girls related to it. It was cool.”

Now, Dylan has a new single out, “Hooked,” that is climbing the charts. He says, “It’s just a feel good up-tempo song about a guy who’s good with girls. It was written by Seth Ennis, Morgan Evans and Lindsay Rimes. They emailed it to me, I played it for my wife and she loved it. She was dancing in the car to it, so I had to record it.” Right now, Dylan tells me that “My Girl” is his favorite song to play live. He says, “Because everybody knows that song and that’s when everybody gets excited. We play it in our set and it’s just fun to do, but ‘Hooked’ is kind of taking off, as well. The further it goes up the charts, the more people realize, ‘Okay, this is that song!’ It’s fun to perform, and it’s cool to see people sing it back to you.”

I asked Dylan what he considers his biggest musical accomplishment to date and he responded, “Having a number one song in country radio. That’s by far the biggest. I’m just blessed to get to do it. I get to go out and play music every night for a living.  I don’t even feel like I’m working either, because it’s what I love to do, it’s what I always wanted to do. I’m just living my dream, playing music and watching songs of mine go up the charts and people sing it back to me, that what it’s all about for me.”

Dylan’s plans for the rest of the year are to finish up the current tour and playing at a lot of fairs and festivals this summer. Hopefully having another hit with “Hooked.” He said, “I’ve got to get some new music out and play shows and build a fan base. Hopefully get my family out here, just have a good time and have fun, that’s what it’s all about. We are working on a new album and have about three-quarters of it written, so hopefully we can release it in the fall.”

For updates on Dylan Scott follow him on fb or Twitter and don’t miss him at the Tortuga Music Festival on Fort Lauderdale Beach on April 8th!