When you think of the 80’s, you think of big hair, skating and pop music. You can’t think of the 80s without thinking of singer, songwriter, actress and former teen icon Tiffany. I had the pleasure of talking with her and revisiting my own 80’s era of pop music! Tiffany found success in her singles, “I Think We’re Alone Now” and “I Saw Him Standing There”; and has done numerous movies, reality TV shows such as Celebrity Cook Off, Celebrity Wife Swap and most recently,”I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here! Australia.”

We talked about the difficulties about being in the jungle and not having the comforts of home. Tiffany said, “It was awesome, but really hard to be in total lock-down, but I definitely learned a lot about myself.” Tiffany lasted 19 days in the jungle which she said, “It was long enough for me, but you’re playing for charity so I wish I would of been able to last a little longer. But, I’m committed to my charity over there for raising money for cancer patients and people who are going through the process, and any kind of in-between stuff that they might need, which there’s always a lot of in-between stuff. I’ve been a caregiver to unfortunately a lot of my friends who passed away from cancer way too early in life and my parents. I know first-hand what it does and you’re so stressed. There’s so much on your plate, that any amount of help that you can get from many sources is so much needed. Even though I got voted out fairly early, we’re still raising money for them and that’s all that really matters.”

Having been on so many different shows, I asked Tiffany how does she choose which shows to be on and she responded, “If I think it’s gonna be fun, if I think the cast is gonna be fun and if I think I’m going to learn something from it, because reality really is not just a paycheck or too kind to your image. It’s this great opportunity of course, but I think it needs to be something that you would do, that you learn something new or grow. It’s kinda of my little work camp or mediation camp. It’s just different. I don’t get time to do that really personally, so I do it out in front of a camera. But if you take some of this stuff really serious, it’s got the best coaches and the best people and there is usually some kind of depth to a show. And if you can just like walk away and learn something, that’s why I say yes to that. I mean Fit Club, I lost 30 pounds and lost the fear of flying. And it really did solidify that for me. Having all those days that I just looked up at the sky in the jungle with no TV. You’re totally fatigued and we’re detoxing and we really are stripped down because your senses are making sense more. There’s a lot of clarity that goes on.”

For Tiffany, this worked out great for her because she said, “I could really just think about the album and the promoting that I wanna do.  And where I wanna go and all the upcoming shows; and where to take the next level for 2018. I already had a list of ideas and stuff, but just being able to take that time and really know in your heart of hearts, this is it. This is what I want to do and this is how I wanna refine that. It’s really great to have that moment, I don’t usually get those.”

Tiffany’s new single will be released March 31st and it’s called “Worlds Apart.” Tiffany tells me that “You’re gonna find a connection back to ‘The Color of Silence’ album. All my albums have been kind of strategic a little bit in telling my story as a vocalist, my passion as a vocalist, my musician’s journey as I’m growing up, because at 46 I’m still growing up as a musician, as a legit person. So it’s taken me a lot of time to kind of overcome the whole Tiffany image which I love and I’m grateful to have, don’t get me wrong. But maybe in the musician community or maybe how people really thought of me, and it’s taken me a long time to kind of persevere. And other little things like reality TV and different little avenues that I thought I could show my personality and people could get to know me, and get to know my commitment that I am a valid songwriter and producer and a mom.” Along with all the projects Tiffany is involved in, she also runs her own management company with partners.

Tiffany says she is excited about her upcoming shows because she says, “You really get to have an evening with me. Every show, we have a set list and my band, I make them work really hard but the whole show is about having that intimate connection. It’s just a great experience; one of a kind. With the help of my musical director and my fans who are amazing, it all makes sense. We are rocking it a little bit more 80’s style. And I’m bringing a powerhouse of music. My background friend is another redhead and we just play off each other and her voice is outstanding. I’m always proud to share the stage with her and rock it; and have a good time, so we’re gonna kind of invade and take over for a night! You want to keep it fun and retro, but it’s ok to do something that’s a bit more of a grown-up feel.  But I don’t think we’re missing anything!”

Tiffany is looking forward to bringing her new music around the world and reconnecting to her fans. She said, “I am thrilled that I can fly and be able to do it again. I am very proud that everybody stayed very patient with me and my fans have continued to encourage me!”

Don’t miss Tiffany as she will be performing across America promoting her latest album. This will definitely bring you back to your 80’s memories and hopefully make some new ones too!